Vesper services continue at 7pm Sundays, in the summer through August 27. They include a brief evening worship and a variety of music, conducted by area congregations: August 6 – Pr. Karen Ullestad, Zion Lutheran, Davenport; August 13 – Pr. Matt Kamprath, First Lutheran, Geneseo. The complete schedule is listed on the Jenny Lind Chapel … [Read more…]


The American Scandinavian Association at Augustana invites you to attend the annual “Kräftskiva” Crayfish Party, to be held on Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 5:30 PM, rain or shine! Where: First Lutheran, Rock Island! This traditional Swedish Summer Party will be held outside. Indoors in case of rain. Traditional crayfish, Swedish meatballs, potatoes, lingonberries, bread, … [Read more…]

Winnie’s Wishes needs YOU

DID YOU KNOW? Sales at Winnie’s Wishes resale shop supports Winnie’s Place, a shelter ministry of Churches United, THE ONLY SHELTER IN THE ILLINOIS QUAD CITIES for women with or without children who are homeless or survivors of domestic violence. VOLUNTEERS HELP KEEP WINNIE’S WISHES DOORS OPEN! We are desperately in need of 7-10 more … [Read more…]


Northern Illinois Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Convention Saturday, September 16, 2017 Registration and Coffee, 8:00am Immanuel, Dixon, IL Theme: “Lifting the Least” Morning Message: Bishop Jeff Clements Registration ($35.00) is due August 18. Scholarships are available. See the bulletin boards at church for more information. Registration forms are available in the … [Read more…]


These services are held at 7pm, Sundays, all summer, through August 27. They include a brief evening worship and a variety of music, conducted by area congregations. August 13 – Pr. Matt Kamprath, First Lutheran, Geneseo; August 20 – Pr. Michel Clark, Grace Lutheran, Knoxville. The complete schedule is listed on the Jenny Lind Chapel … [Read more…]

What is ACA – Adult Children of Alcoholics?

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a 12-step program for anyone who has grown up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home, which could include abuse, neglect, or other unhealthy behavior. We share our experience and recovery in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Reliance on God to help in this recovery is paramount. In ACA we … [Read more…]