There will be a congregational meeting directly following worship, on Sunday, July 9. The only item on the agenda will be the contract for installation of the Parish House patio railing.
There will be a congregational meeting directly following worship, on Sunday, July 9. The only item on the agenda will be the contract for installation of the Parish House patio railing.
If you have some extra boards around, Art will use them to raise some money for the Parish House patio railing. He can use the following: 2x8x24 inches and 2x4x33 inches (minimum). He has been using boards such as these and Folk Arts funds for the hardware to make hanging flower basket frames, which have … [Read more…]
Sunday, May 7, after worship, during Coffee Fellowship, in the Fellowship Hall. Come be part of the planning.
The Stewardship Committee is hosting a “Serve Yourself” Breakfast from 9:00 – 10:00am and Coffee Fellowship, after worship, on April 16, Easter Sunday. It will be a thank-you to the congregation for your stewardship of the gifts that God has so abundantly given. Thank you for using all that God has entrusted to your care … [Read more…]
Freed & Renewed in Christ – 500 Years of God’s Grace in Action Congregational Resourcing Event – Saturday, March 11, 8:30am – 3:15pm, Kishwaukee Community College, Malta, IL. The event will focus on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Keynote Presenter will be the Rev. Dr. Winston Persaud, Wartburg Theological Seminary Professor of Systematic Theology, … [Read more…]
The congregational planning meeting was Saturday, January 14. At that meeting, we decided to collect “noisy” coins this year. On the second, third, and fourth Sundays of each month through October, the noisy coin collection will go toward the 150th Anniversary Building Projects. In keeping with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, our goal is … [Read more…]
Please remember to make your 2016 contributions to the church by Sunday, December 25th, so that the contributions can be deposited on Tuesday, December 27th. Please consider making a special year-end donation to First Lutheran Church. Thank you!
Offering envelopes are available for next year. They are in the narthex in alphabetical order. FYI: If you had a number greater than 100, it has been reassigned to a lower number.
There is NO Finance Committee meeting scheduled in December.