Folk Arts is Back!
You are invited to come at 7pm, the last Thursday of the month (January 26, 2017) to the Parish House Lower Level. Miriam Anderson and Wanda Esping will twine rugs again. Work on your own project or just have fun!
You are invited to come at 7pm, the last Thursday of the month (January 26, 2017) to the Parish House Lower Level. Miriam Anderson and Wanda Esping will twine rugs again. Work on your own project or just have fun!
The Ignite confirmation event is on Wednesday, January 25th, from 6:15 – 8pm, at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Davenport. Contact Angie Harrell for more information. Carpooling is available; if you want a ride to this event, please be at the St. John’s parking lot no later than 5:45pm.
The confirmation classes have changed dates. Classes will start Wednesday, January 25, at the Ignite youth event. I will be giving each family a new schedule for this eight-week session. Angie Harrell, Learning Chair
The Altar Guild members will have a short meeting on Saturday, January 21, to sign up for the 2017 schedule. Hopefully the meeting will begin no later than 10:45am, whenever we are finished taking down decorations. Contact Sandy Steinbeck if you have questions or can’t make the meeting, but want to participate.
The church Christmas decorations will be taken down Saturday, January 21,@ 9:30 AM. All available helpers will be appreciated!
First Lutheran’s church office will be closed Monday, January 16, in observation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Wednesday January 4 9am – 1pm PRAYERS & SQUARES – PHSR 7pm SR. CHOIR – Choir Loft Thursday January 5 4pm COMMUNION SERVICE – FM Chapel Sunday January 8 9am SUNDAY SCHOOL – PH ADULT FORUM – PH 10:30am HOLY COMMUNION After Worship COFFEE FELLOWSHIP – FH
Friday, January 13th, 7:00 – 10:00pm, in the Parish House! Come see the newly redone wood dining room floor! Refreshments served. Donations benefit the St. Joe’s Evening Meal, served weeknights at the Rock Island Township Hall. All are welcome!
We will be serving the first St. Joe’s Evening Meal of 2017 on Monday, January 16, 2017. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex. Please indicate if you can bring any of the needed items and how many. Please indicate if you can help prepare or help serve. Please place monetary donations in the … [Read more…]
Theology on Tap continues in the new year. It will be at its usual time and place, on the 2nd Thursday, January 12th, 7:30pm, in the back room of M.D. Green’s, 1808 2nd Avenue, in the District of Rock Island, IL. At the January ThoT, we’ll talk about Paul’s letter to the Galatians and discuss … [Read more…]