Reformation Sunday Worship Service: 25 October 2020

It was a chilly but beautiful day!I pray you all are well. A very special thanks to Pr. David McAdams for singing “Amazing Grace ” for our Reformation Sunday prelude! He and the congregation of First Paradise Baptist Church have been friends of First Lutheran for years.Peace, Pastor Chris Lee Order of Worship for October … [Read more…]

Sunday Worship Service: 18 October 2020

Thank God for rain, and for an indoor space where we can record worship! We pray this finds you well. A few announcements: Gospel Animals reservations are due by November 1. Also, if you have names that you would like to have read aloud for All Saints Day, November 1, please submit them to the … [Read more…]

Sunday Worship Service: 11 October 2020

I pray this worship finds you well. As we approach November 1st and All Saints Day, please feel free to submit to the office email any names of loved ones, recently deceased (since last All Saints Day). We will in some way honor them at worship on November 1st: Next week we will meet for worship … [Read more…]

Sunday Worship Service: 4 October 2020

Order of Worship for October 4, 2020 Prelude: ELW 796- “How Firm a Foundation,” Early American. Pam Edwards, pianist. Confession and Forgiveness: Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, who creates, redeems, and sustains us and all of creation. Amen. Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another. … [Read more…]